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How can tutoring help your child?

Writer: Cassandra WaltonCassandra Walton

Tutoring is not something that only a small percentage of the population should get to enjoy but be seen as something that is available for everyone. Crowded classrooms are becoming more normal than ever, and it almost seems impossible to overcome certain learning challenges or goals in a traditional classroom or learning environment.

Tutoring isn’t something for everyone but there is something in it for everyone. I say this because as a tutor who has tutored for over 10 years, I have had the privilege of teaching a vast range of students from primary to secondary school levels; who also come from different social and economic backgrounds too. From these experiences, I have seen how tutoring can not only help those who may be a bit more fortunate in their quest for helping their child grow and achieve more but also for parents who are experiencing tutoring for the first time too.

Children who may be struggling in a certain area with their learning whether it be some of the more common classroom challenges such as not having enough 1:1 time with the teacher emits further issues later in their learning journey. Have you ever been in class or in a room and too shy to put up your hand up to ask a question or to go over the learning content? I know I have, and this is a completely normal human trait but what if our children are feeling a little left out of the “know” more frequently with the thought of not feeling heard or seen? This can result in a backlog of learning potential which may impact their learning motivation and intentions later down the track.

So, let’s go over some of the ways in which tutoring can help or support your immediate needs for your child? There are many pros in the tutoring world, and I want to let you in on them.

1. One-on-one focused learning:

Us tutors really do get personal and specific when it comes to learning with your child. We make it our job to get know your child’s learning style, their likes and dislikes as well as being able to adapt our teaching methods to their own learning capabilities with the end goal being to inspire and motivate your child. We are a private teacher to them, desiring the best outcomes for them.

2. Individualised attention:

Is there a certain way that you know that your child learns best? Is this understood by their teacher in school? If so, great! If unsure, then it is important to not leave things up to chance and risk any time being wasted in the realm of uncertainty. Tutoring gives students individualised attention that they don’t always get in large size classroom. This supports children who may struggle to keep up or motivated, as well as those who aren’t challenged enough. It also keeps students on track during the week outside of school time as well as being something that can develop and nurture good study habits and learning routines earlier on.

3. Change in overall learning attitude:

This is a huge one and should not be ignored. I remember having one student who struggled with being in the online tutoring sessions and was vocal about them being boring and hating the class. This was purely an icebreaker of a moment and a much-needed shift in their learning perception that needed transformation. Through uniquely approaching their behaviour, I was able to remove the sense of doubt and uncertainty in my student. After 3 sessions, this student’s attention and attitude during class time shifted drastically and for the better. A shift in learning attitude does not happen overnight but through a course or series of regular intervals, things do in fact change. It was one of the biggest wins I had with this student as you could imagine, wining their attitude over and seeing them having favour and understanding in how these classes matter to them, was the ultimate prize.

4. Improvement in social and behavioural skills.

Soft skills are very important elements to learning and can ultimately help with furthering a student’s communication and negotiation skills. Forming relationships with tutors can be an outlet for your child and something that will support your child in wanting to cultivate too. In turn, this can create better relationships with their teachers and peers as well as with elders within their community. A tutor-student relationship is honestly so special and valuable investment. It is something that we work hard on developing and we make it our job to ensure our students social skills are consistent with the standards we believe they ought to be at; to be able to help them grow in their confidence with communication and self-conduct is something we desire for them to embrace and take ownership of.

5. Improvement in work and study habits:

Being able to study and interested in academia is not every child’s cup of tea. However, with a bit of patience, new habits can always be firmly planted and established. Study habits don’t happen in an instant but rather through coaching and mentoring along with the right strategies to use to counter time wasting which can be shared and taught through private tutoring sessions. A student’s overall work ethic and motivation is something we teach and desire for each of our students too. Improving the quality of our work is important and through each tutoring session, your child will soon be able to learn and develop their own standards. This is a great way in measuring their future success by being able to deliver high quality work regardless of where their own life journeys take them. It is all about planting the seeds and creating habits as early as possible.

So, as you can see from some of the key areas mentioned we want your child to be receptive and motivated. We want them to succeed and to accomplish great things with their intelligence and knowledge bank. We always aim for the best outcomes and with an end result of wanting them to do well beyond their own expectations, and for them to ultimately flourish and thrive in an ever changing world.


Thank you for reading this post and I hope it brings clarity to your perspectives and perhaps encourages you to pursue tutoring for your child whether it’s now or in the future.

If you are wanting to sign up to our private tutoring program, click here to enquire.

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